Home Birth Services
As a licensed midwife, I am able to provide personal maternity care for low risk women in a home setting. The care I provide is based on the North American Registry of Midwives Model of Care. It is my goal to provide each client with the education to make her own informed decisions about her care.
Before Birth
If you are considering a licensed midwife for the birth of your baby, the first thing we do is meet for a consultation. This is a free "get to know you" session to determine our comfort level with each other and that you are a good candidate for homebirth.
Prenatal appointments can be done in our office or your home on a monthly basis, followed by every two weeks at 28 weeks and weekly at 36 weeks.
Each prenatal lasts about an hour. We spend a lot of time getting to know you, your needs and desires for your birth. We also explore how we can help you optimize your health during pregnancy.
A routine exam usually includes a blood pressure check, urinalysis, review of your diet, assessing fetal heart tones and palpating your belly to determine fetal position. We also offer initial prenatal lab work and can refer you for further testing if desired, such as an ultrasound.
During Birth
We will arrive at your house when active labor begins or when you feel that you need us there.
Our midwives usually work in teams of one midwife and one student. We provide comfort measures, make suggestions for handling labor, give encouragement, assess your progress, and monitor you and the baby for safety and general well-being.
We encourage you and your partner to be actively involved in the delivery of your baby. This can be a very powerful and rewarding experience.
After Birth
Immediately after birth, your baby is laid on your chest as our midwives continue to monitor both of you.
We stay with you for 2-3 hours after you are both stable. We help get you up to the bathroom and settled back into bed, assure that you have eaten and that breastfeeding is established. We also drain the birth tub and clean up so you and your family can focus on getting to know your baby.
We return to your home at least two times in the first week to provide various screenings for the baby and again at two and six weeks. We continue to be on-call for you, 24 hours a day, for the postpartum period.
We will complete lab work during your routine prenatal appointments. Lab work includes an obstetric panel and urinalysis when necessary.
If an ultrasound is needed or desired, we can provide a referral.
We are able to perform or find a provider who can administer any test needed during your pregnancy and postpartum period.
Certification through the North American Registry of Midwives requires extensive training to keep mom and baby safe and the equipment we will bring to your birth will assist us in caring for you as best as we can.
Resuscitation equipment
Hemorrhage medication
Cord care supplies
A newborn heartbeat doppler
Supplies to monitor mom’s vitals
Basic diagnostic supplies to test if moms iron is low or to test baby if the water broke
Effective June 1, 2024, the global fee for care is $4,500. This fee includes all the care I provide to you from the first prenatal to the final postpartum visit, including the following:
All prenatal and postpartum visits
The birth and birth assistant fee (if applicable)
All customary testing including lab work, newborn screen, GBS test and hearing screen
*I am enrolled as a Medicaid provider. If you are on Medicaid or qualify for Medicaid, please ask about special pricing.
Licensed midwives are trained to care for you and your baby up to six weeks postpartum and can provide the same screens and care that physicians provide (with the exception of vaccines and circumcision, if applicable). You may choose to establish a relationship with a physician after delivery if that is right for your family.
Screenings we provide:
Immediately after birth: Apgar scores, weigh and measurements, head to toe exam, cord care and basic tongue and lip tie evaluation. We can also provide some basic breastfeeding education.
Postpartum visits day two through six weeks: Feeding evaluation including a visit from a lactation consultant if necessary, newborn screen, pulse-ox screen, hearing screen, weight check and Jaundice check. We also assist with the Birth Certificate and Social Security Card applications.
Linda is currently a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) through North America Registry of Midwives and a Licensed Midwife (LM) in the state of Wisconsin and has been practicing for over ten years. She is also CPR and NRP (newborn recitation program) certified. Please see the Midwife Safety tab for more information.